Page:Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect or Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Subjects.djvu/80

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Lesson XVI. At a Police station. 押縊舖璃士時低臣。 Is the sergeant in, sir? 衣時地沙賤烟沙。 I am the sergeant, what do you want? 埃嚈地沙賤滑都腰湾。 My store was robbed last night. 嘪時多亞鍋時立地嚹時⿰口泥地。 I lost all my clothes and two hundred dollars. 埃囉時阿炉買呵咾時晏吐恨地列咑嚹。 I will send a detective to see what we can do for you. 埃喴炉仙縊地特地户吐𢇁滑喴𠼳都科腰。 The boys annoy me all the time in front of my store. 地杯時晏𱓗寐阿炉地梯𥂁烟户論阿户嘪時多亞。 They break my windows and steal my goods. 低布力嘪温渡時晏時地炉嘪姑時。 Captain, please send a policeman to make them stop. 給頓舖璃時仙縊舖璃慢吐嚜店時塔。 I will send one there at once. 埃威炉仙温爹呀押温時。