Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/116

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urchins—as such little creatures will—had built up a small mound of rubbish on the ground and were belabouring each other vigorously therewith: at length one of them so beplastered the shoulders of the other, that he cried out loudly, as if in pain. This was enough for the well-wishing" friend. He straightway informed all his acquaintances, in confidence, that the young children of the de Bogotas were wretchedly filthy and diseased!

Here was a state of things! The Señora de Bogota was an irreligious heretic! Kuys de Bogota himself was the captain of a band of robbers! His two sons Rual and Miguel were juvenile thieves! The young; children were disgustingly filthy and diseased! And the pretty daughter Clara was an abandoned profligate!

Before many days had elapsed, two priests and an assistant, presented themselves at the door of the little dwelling in question, and demanded admittance, stating that their business was most urgent. They had not come on their usual mission of comfort to their flock, they said, when they were seated in the midst of the family up-stairs; but to acquaint them