Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/135

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munity. The many forms of oppression employed by the "padres" throughout the republic; the cunning with which they wind themselves into private affairs, whether political or domestic; and the degrading espionage maintained by them over the actions of individuals are alike surprising and revolting, to the unprejudiced.

Ignorance and dependence are the prominent results of the system. Converse with a Mexican on the subject of religion, and he will tell you it is the priest's affair, and not his; that the Holy Father So-and-so will do all that is right for him in the particular, for the padre is acquainted with his spiritual state, and he himself is at no trouble about the matter. Mention education and learning, and he will at once assure you that those also belong of right to the priests; and that no one else should presume to interfere in such concerns. Remonstrate with him on the probable issue of a career of debauchery and excess, and he will reply that, so long as he and his confessor understand each other, nobody else has the smallest right to be offended. And thus, all responsibility is thrust upon the willing shoulders of the ecclesiastics.