Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/218

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medium of his leaden image, all outstanding offences have been effectually cleared away, and that a fresh running account may be opened without delay between himself and Heaven.

A little beyond him, to the left, is a reprobate engaged in a very different employment: seated on the stones of the yard, with his knees elevated to the height of his chin, he waves his hands continually to and fro round his head to give effect to his words. He is vociferating a ribald song, in the loudest key of a disagreeable voice, to an attentive and appreciating group. At the moment when his companions join in a boisterous chorus, he springs to his feet, and dances with a grotesque movement; then all rise, and yell and caper together; and the fandango is only ended by the stronger of the party hurling the others forcibly to the earth, with a loud outburst of exultation.

There are only three individuals in this numerous assemblage who appear to be employed in any kind of useful labour—two of them are weaving some discoloured silk from small hand-looms, and the other is manufacturing variously-shaped baskets from a heap