Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/272

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shouted the wretch, seeing that they were now fairly in the centre of the narrow ledge of rock already mentioned. "Down upon your knees!" he continued; seizing his comrade by the throat—"Down upon your knees! Give me every grano of the money you have in your possession, and swear to me by all the saints that you will return at once to the village and tell nobody what has happened,—or I will fling you over this rock, as I would a dead wolf.—Swear! swear!"

"I do swear!" cried Nazas, sinking in terror upon his knees. "I swear by all the saints; by the blessed Virgin, by St. Peter, St. Lazarus; and———but spare my life! I swear!"

"Swear that you will never disclose to any one what has now happened you, or, trust me, I shall still have the means of following you, even at the village!"

"I do—by St. Paul, and St.-Matthew, and St. Clara, and St. Anthony, and St. Bridget, and St. Barbar——"

"Now then for the money. Every grano! or over you go this instant. Is that all? Have you no more? I must search for myself.—