Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/34

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anonas, grapes, and apricots, mammeis, pineapples, and goyavas, tunas, nuts, and sapotes; all unite to form a scene seldom to be equalled, and never to be forgotten!

The road beyond this beautiful spot is so unusually elevated, that the wayfarer appears to be walking among the clouds; sombre pines, volcanic beds, wild glens, and huge rocks, skirt the route at intervals. The villages of La Hoya and Las Vigas soon come in sight; and passing the mountains of Orizaba and Tepiacualca, the great plain of Perote begins to open on the view. The way to Perote from thence lies through a district much infested by robbers; the town itself being considered the most ruffianly in Mexico.

The next resting-place is Puebla, the second city of the republic; well situated, cleanly looking, healthy, and agreeable. The mountains that surround and shut in the splendid valley of Mexico now appear in sight; and gaining the track between their summits, the more minute peculiarities of the scene arrest the eye of the traveller. Broad lakes, sparkling here and there in the distance, impart life and brightness to the prospect; while groves