Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/87

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ing with anguish, he holds out his old sombrero for your charitable donation. "For the love of the holy Virgin," he beseeches you, "take pity upon me! By the groans and wounds of a dying Saviour, have compassion upon my agonies! By your hopes of heavenly bliss, commiserate my woes! Have you a mother? By that mother's love, and for the sake of our Holy Mother above, regard me with pity! Have you a wife? By your dear remembrances of her, relieve my misery! Have you children? For their sakes, and for that of the Blessed Infant himself, hear me, and bestow your charity! And I will pray that all the blessing's both on earth and in heaven may be your portion for ever!"

You pass on without proffering the anticipated alms; the fellow's brow lowers, and his face darkens as he turns away: from entreating he turns to cursing. "May all the fiends of the bottomless pit seize upon you! May the sting of serpents and the poison of adders blight you utterly! May all the saints above curse you evermore! May every comfort fly from your embrace! May Heaven always be shut against you! May your wife and children be torn from your arms, and perish miserably