Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/198

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A president is at the head of the executive power: he must be a Mexican by birth a resident in the republic, more than forty years of age, and in full possession of all the rights of citizenship. The duties of the president are to support and vindicate the laws, and impose fines on those who disobey his lawful orders; to obtain all necessary information respecting courts of justice, and visit them in person when required; to consider all projects of laws approved by the chambers, and suspend their operations during such time:—if, however, thirty days pass by without any objection being urged by the president, the law will be considered sanctioned, and carried into effect without further delay. The president has further power to declare war, and may dispose of the armed forces of the republic; and he has also the right to expel all foreigners from the country who may be deemed dangerous to the State.

The government council is composed of persons permanent selected by the president, and its functions are to aid the executive in its deliberations; it may also originate and suggest measures for the public good, independently.