Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/260

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Articles. Weight, measure, or number. Import duty, Mexican money. Import duty, British money.
Dol. c. £ s. d.
Eatables, not prohibited, such as hams and sausages, the latter called "chorizos," "chorizones," and "buttifarras" 100 lbs. 8 00 1 13 4
Preserves for eating, including weight of vessel containing them do. 25 00 5 4 2
Sweetmeats, ditto, ditto do. 50 00 10 8 4
Pickles, in vinegar and salt do. 16 00 3 6 8
Manufactured sperm do. 25 00 5 4 2
Sperm in cakes do. 12 50 2 14 2
Fruits, preserved in brandy or other liquors, weight of vessel included do. 23 00 3 15 10
Iron of all kinds, not manufactured quintal 1 50 0 6 3
Do. in plates, wrought and cast, and hoop-iron do. 3 00 0 12 6
Tin plates of all kinds and sizes do. 4 50 0 18 9
Books or pamphlets of first lessons or of devotion 100 lbs. 8 00 1 13 4
Fine wood for veneers 1000 sq.ft. 30 00 6 5 0
Building timber, admitted at Tampico and Matamoras, by the decree of the 3rd June 1840 do. 10 00 2 1 8