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CHAPTER IV.First Excursion in New Guinea.
Orders to March—Heavy Travelling—Tropical Creek—Sure-footed Mountain Steeds—Native Hunting Camp—Luncheon in the Forest—Smoking the Bau Bau—Good Country for Horse-breeding—Koiari Kangaroo-hunting—The Hunter's Feast—The Koiari Tribe—Splendid Natural Panorama—Morrison's Explorations—Camp for the Night—Perilous Journeying—The Alligators' Haunt—Night in the Papuan Forest—Frightening the Devil—Fears of Danger from Natives dispelled—Morning in the Forest—A Purpose abandoned—Strike for a Koiari Village—Savage Gourmands—Steep Mountain Ascent—Magnificent Mountain Scenery—A Koiari Welcome—A Mountain Village—Dwellings on the Tree-tops—A Koiari Chief—Photographer in Koiari—Hospitable Offer—A Koiari Household—Great White Chief—Buying a Pig—A Koiari Interior—A Papuan Meal—Conference of Chiefs—Papuan Etiquette—A Tribal Feud—Uncomfortable Night—Superb Mountain Views—The Photographer in a Koiari Village—Return to the Port—A Ruined Village—Native Remains—Encounter Mr. Forbes—Missionary Hospitality 32
CHAPTER V.Excursion up the Aroa River.
Site Fixed for Government House and Buildings—Bootless Inlet—Lakatoi Trading Vessels—Native Regatta—Quit Port Moresby for Redscar Bay—Landing of the Party—The Mouth of the Aroa—Ascent of the Stream—Reflections on Land-tenure—Visit to Ukaukana Village—Interview with the Head Chief of Kabadé—Exchange of Presents—Adventures returning to Camp—Night Alarms—The Vari Vara Islands—Back to Port Moresby 46
CHAPTER VI.A Coasting Expedition.
Arrival of H.M.S. "Raven"—Trade Winds—Site for Government Stores—Inland Party organized—Arrival off Tupuselei—Coast Scenery—A Papuan Venice—Sir Peter Scratchley's Visit to Padiri—Sickness among the Party—A Native Feud—Attack apprehended—Kapa Kapa—A Group of Mourners—Mangoes—Birds of Paradise—A Palaver—Continuation of the Voyage 55