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Malaria 74
Mary's Lamb on a New Principle 44
The Man with the Musket H. S. Taylor 27
Metamora to the Council 9
Missing 53
The Mississippi Miracle Irwin Russell 70
Mr. Pickwick's Romantic Adventure with a Middle-aged Lady in Yellow Curl-Papers Dickens 18
Over the Crossin' Springfield Republican 92
Puzzled 76
The Rajah's Clock Theron Brown 57
Re-enlisted Lucy Larcom 11
Scene from "Ion" Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd 46
She Stood on the Stair Puck 13
The Silver Bell Mrs. Julia D. Pratt 63
Somehow or Other 94
The Story of Sir Arnulph Gerald Massey 85
Taters W. O. Eaton 96
Together on the Stairs Andrew G. Tubbs 35
A Tough Customer William L. Keese 28
"An Unknown Man, Respectably Dressed" Helen Jackson 97
The Village Choir Audreys Journal 39
Wendell Phillips John Boyle O'Reilly 72
When Greek met Greek 56
When McGue puts the Baby to Sleep 87

After "Taps" Horace B. Sargent 78
At Arlington James R. Randall 15