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Before he could even close the door, the crazy squirrel was there, dancing like a lunatic and blowing bubbles from his nose.

"Lllllllolipop Jones!" sang the squirrel, and ran away.

Pig was so mad that he started jumping up and down in fury.

"Go away!” he screamed, “Go away and leave me alone, you crazy little furball!"

Just then, Duck came bounding up the road. She was covered from head to toe in sticky, gooey apple sauce.

"Yoooooou stinky Pig!" yelled Duck.

"What happened to YOU?" gasped Pig.

"My baby duckling tried to eat an apple for snack time, and ALL THE APPLES EXPLODED! Why can’t I share the apples with my family, Pig?”

“Oh…” said Pig.