Page:Pipetown Sandy (Sousa 1905).djvu/157

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Gilbert was on his feet in an instant and jumped for sheer joy.

"Hurrah for Sandy!" he cried; "come on, boys, three cheers for Sandy Goggles!"

During the outburst of shouts and applause, the fortunate pupil went forward, with face red and perspiring, and received his prize from the minister.

"Yer could 'a' knocked me down with a feather, I wuz so flabbergasted," explained Sandy, as he described his sensations, "an' I'd never have got it, little codger, if you hadn't fust show'd me."

The benediction was spoken and the audience slowly dispersed.

Sandy good-naturedly took Gilbert's violin case out of his hand, and, insisting on carrying it, walked ahead.

Dark-eyed Zorah, finding her way through the crowd, intercepted Gilbert and asked demurely, "Do you remember me?"

"Don't I, though?" answered the little fellow gallantly.

"Teacher hasn't sent me home once since I saw you," volunteered Zorah.

"And I trust she never will again," added the other.