Page:Pipetown Sandy (Sousa 1905).djvu/203

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fullest buildin', turn out bad, in which particular they are like boys. I've seen boys whose folks could trace their pedigree 'way back to prehistoric times, as scientific men would say, an' afore you'd know anythin' they'd butt their nozzle ag'in a rock, an' down they'd go, rumsoaked an' busted. But the Lillian is O K, copper-bottomed, an' we are all proud of her."

When Gilbert and Lillian reached home, they recited with glowing enthusiasm every detail of the launching, rowing and sailing, and were loud in their praise of Sandy's skill.

The Jedge went to Jebb's store that night and informed the "faithfuls" that "Sandy reminded him more of hisself when he wuz Sandy's age, than anybody he had ever seen."

"Of course, in them days I had also the mentality, as scientific men would say, which is peculiar to Gil Franklin," he continued, "but take me by an' large, as I wuz when I wuz a boy, in l'arnin', eddication, help yerself an' git there, I wuz a twin brother to them two boys."

After supper Sandy sauntered into the grocer's and received the congratulations of all hands on his success in building the boat. Calling Jebb aside, he said: