Page:Plates illustrating the natural and morbid changes of the human eye.djvu/11

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The originals, from which the chromolithographs are copied, were painted by Mr R. Schweizer (13, Myddleton Place, St John's Street Road, Clerkenwell), to whose talent as painter, and to whose skill in the use of the ophthalmoscope, I am indebted for their correct representation. Each chromolithograph shows the parts as they appeared when examined with the ophthalmoscope indirectly. They are, therefore, represented inverted: for example, what in the chromolithograph appears as the upper margin of the optic disc is in reality the lower margin, &c. The shape of the optic disc in each case is represented correctly, while the size exceeds more or less that observed with the ophthalmoscope.

Much delay has been occasioned in the publication of the plates by my having had to reject chromolithographs from two different sources.

The lithographs (Plate I. to IV.) were made by Mr E. Erxleben, 2, Coram Street, Russell Square, and Messrs Day and Son, London.

The drawings representing the instruments which are most frequently used in operations on the eye, are copies of the excellent instruments manufactured by Messrs Weiss & Son, Surgical Instrument Makers, 62, Strand, London.

The Plates are published separate from the book, because the time of their completion was uncertain; and also for the purpose of facilitating their study, as well as to allow the plates to be purchased without the book.