Page:Platform and Constitution of the Socialist Labor Party of the United States of America (1896).pdf/8

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2. The editors shall he appointed by the National Executive Committee from such comrades as shall be recommended for appointment by the National Convention. They cannot be members of the committee.

3. The National Executive Committee shall give notice of discharge at least two weeks before the same is to take effect; the editors shall also be bound to give two weeks' notice of their intention lo leave their position.

4. Any of the editors who may prove incompetent or violate the Platform or Constitution of the Party shall be forthwith suspended by the National Executive Committee.


1. This constitution may be amended by the National Convention or by a general vote. Within five weeks after the issuance of a call for a general vote relative to changing the constitution, amendments may be proposed by any Section to any proposition so laid before the Party, and such amendments shall then also be submitted to be voted on together with the original proposition. The result of the vote must be reported to the National Executive Committee within ten weeks after the first call was issued.

The National Executive Committee shall forthwith transmit to the Sections a tabulated statement of the vote cast by each Section.

No Section or subdivision shall be designated by race or nationality.

3. All officers, boards or committees of the Party shall be subject to removal by their constituents (see Art. IV., Sec. 1, as to the National Executive Committee.)

4. No applicant shall be admitted to membership without the presiding officer shall explain the significance of the class struggle to him and his pledging himself in writing to its recognition and support. A copy of the constitution and platform shall be handed to every new member.

5. In subscribing to the platform and constitution, the members take upon themselves the obligation to assist each other to the extent of their ability, in case of need.

6. A member in good standing of one Section shall have the right to attend and speak at any meeting of another Section, but shall not be allowed to vote.

7. The National Executive Committee shall immediately after the expulsion of any member publish the name of the expelled in the Party organs.

8. No person shall he nominated as a candidate for any public office unless he has been a member of the Party for at least one year, and has identified himself with the Party by active participation in its work.

9. No candidate of this Party for any public office shall be permitted to accept any nomination or endorsement from any other political party.

10. Any member of the Socialist Labor Party accepting a nomination of the Party, shall at once place in the hands of the Secretary of the Section of which he is a member his resignation, dated blank, of the office for which he is so nominated, and authorize the Section to have it filed with the proper authorities in case of his election and failure to stand squarely on the Party's platform and to advocate its principles.

11. All former provisions conflicting with this constitution are rescinded.


Whereas, we recognize the necessity of carrying on the war against capitalism simultaneously on the political and economic fields; therefore be it

Resolved, that we recommend to all Socialists to join the organizations of the trades to which they respectively belong.