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Act I]

daughter. [With sudden selfcontrol.] In any case a remarkable woman.


[Weakly.] At least you are free now.


[Nods.] Yes, she could not alter the terms of my father's will nor live for ever.


[With joined hands.] They are both gone now, Mr Rowan. They both loved you, believe me. Their last thoughts were of you.


[Approaching, touches her lightly on the shoulder, and points to the crayon drawing on the wall.] Do you see him there, smiling and handsome? His last thoughts! I remember the night he died. [He pauses for an instant and then goes on calmly.] I was a boy of fourteen. He called me to his bedside. He knew I wanted to go to the theatre to hear Carmen. He told my mother to give me a shilling. I kissed him and went. When I came home he was dead. Those were his last thoughts as far as I know.


The hardness of heart you prayed for . . . [She breaks off.]


[Unheeding.] That is my last memory of him. Is there not something sweet and noble in it?


Mr Rowan, something is on your mind to make you speak like this. Something has changed you since you came back three months ago.