Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/114

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he would get up on a chair, like this, and begin: “You ignoramuses! You powers of darkness! This is the dawn of a new life!” And so on and so on; he would preach and preach——

Sasha. And the guests?

Lebedieff. They would just sit and listen and go on drinking. Once, though, I challenged him to a duel, challenged my own uncle! It came out of a discussion about Sir Francis Bacon. I was sitting, I remember, where Matthew is, and my uncle and the late Gerasim Nilitch were standing over there, about where Nicholas is now. Well, Gerasim Nilitch propounded this question——

Enter Borkin. He is dressed like a dandy and carries a parcel under his arm. He comes in singing and skipping through the door on the right. A murmur of approval is heard.

The Girls. Oh, Michael Borkin!

Lebedieff. Hallo, Misha!

Shabelski. The soul of the company!

Borkin. Here we are! [He runs up to Sasha] Most noble Signorina, let me be so bold as to wish to the whole world many happy returns of the birthday of such an exquisite flower as you! Asa token of my enthusiasm let me presume to present you with these fireworks and this Bengal fire of my own manufacture. [He hands her the parcel] May they illuminate the night as brightly as you illuminate the shadows of this dark world.

[He spreads them out theatrically before her.

Sasha. Thank you.

Lebedieff. [Laughing loudly, to Ivanoff] Why don’t you send this Judas packing?

Borkin. [To Lebedieff] My compliments to you, sir. [To Ivanoff] How are you, my patron? [Sings] Nicholas voilà, hey ho hey! [He greets everybody in turn] Most highly