Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/203

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Sorin. Yes, I think I shall, for a few minutes. I am going to Moscow all the same, but I shall lie down a bit before I start.

[He goes out leaning on his cane.

Medviedenko. [Giving him his arm] Do you know this riddle? On four legs in the morning; on two legs at noon; and on three legs in the evening?

Sorin. [Laughing] Yes, exactly, and on one’s back at night. Thank you, I can walk alone.

Medviedenko. Dear me, what formality!

[He and Sorin go out.

Arkadina. He gave me a dreadful fright.

Treplieff. It is not good for him to live in the country. Mother, if you would only untie your purse-strings for once, and lend him a thousand roubles! He could then spend a whole year in town.

Arkadina. I have no money. I am an actress and not a banker.

[A pause.

Treplieff. Please change my bandage for me, mother, you do it so gently.

Arkadina goes to the cupboard and takes out a box of bandages and a bottle of iodoform.

Arkadina. The doctor is late.

Treplieff. Yes, he promised to be here at nine, and now it is noon already.

Arkadina. Sit down. [She takes the bandage off his head] You look as if you had a turban on. A stranger that was in the kitchen yesterday asked to what nationality you belonged. Your wound is almost healed. [She kisses his head] You won’t be up to any more of these silly tricks again, will you, when I am gone?

Treplieff. No, mother. I did that in a moment of insane despair, when I had lost all control over myself. It will never happen again. [He kisses her hand] Your touch is golden. I