Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/50

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Sonia. I knew it. One more question: do you wish your husband were young?

Helena. What a child you are! Of course I do. Go on, ask something else.

Sonia. Do you like the doctor?

Helena. Yes, very much indeed.

Sonia. [Laughing] I have a stupid face, haven’t I? He has just gone out, and his voice is still in my ears; I hear his step; I see his face in the dark window. Let me say all I have in my heart! But no, I cannot speak of it so loudly. I am ashamed. Come to my room and let me tell you there. I seem foolish to you, don’t I? Talk to me of him.

Helena. What can I say?

Sonia. He is clever. He can do everything. He can cure the sick, and plant woods.

Helena. It is not a question of medicine and woods, my dear, he is a man of genius. Do you know what that means? It means he is brave, profound, and of clear insight. He plants a tree and his mind travels a thousand years into the future, and he sees visions of the happiness of the human race. People like him are rare and should be loved. What if he does drink and act roughly at times? A man of genius cannot be a saint in Russia. There he lives, cut off from the world by cold and storm and endless roads of bottomless mud, surrounded by a rough people who are crushed by poverty and disease, his life one continuous struggle, with never a day’s respite; how can a man live like that for forty years and keep himself sober and unspotted? [Kissing Sonia] I wish you happiness with all my heart; you deserve it. [She gets up] As for me, I am a worthless, futile woman. I have always been futile; in music, in love, in my husband’s house—in a word, in everything. When you come to think of it, Sonia, I am really very, very unhappy. [Walks ex-