Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/115

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Donina. [Discovering the case] Whose is that? Who gave that to you? What does it say?

Nunu. Ha, ha, ha!

Donina. [Furious, stamping on the box] There! Now it doesn't say anything. No, and it won't say anything either. And I'd do the same to you, too, or to anybody!

Nunu. Donina! What are you doing? You've ruined it. I tell you—— [Threatening her.

Imperia and Zaida. [Interfering] No, no, don't touch her, Nunu!

Nunu. If we weren't in this place——

Donina. Yes, strike me! Kill me! Anything better than this!

Zaida. [Throwing her arms about her] Donina! Poor Donina!

Nunu. Come along, Tommy, and get dressed. Come along! She'll be there, all right.

Nunu and Tommy go out.

Zaida. You mustn't cry before all these people. Don't let them see.

Donina. What do I care?

Imperia. Will you come with me?

Donina. No, I must stay with him, even if he kills me! He didn't use to be like this; he used to love me. Of course he went with other girls, I know that, but I was always his Donina, I was always first, the only one among the rest. I was so proud to have them love him, and to think that after he had played with them and laughed in their faces, he would come back again to me, always to me, without ever having been able to forget. But it is not the same now. He has something back in his mind, something evil. It isn't that he deceives me; it's that he wants me to know it. And since these men came——