Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/127

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museums. But if I took you to them and said "Look! This is I!" you would not believe it. Many have loved me, many that were great, many that were rich, many that were wise—yes, even a king. For one word of mine he would have forsaken his throne. Do you see me now? Then I was dressed in brocades and covered all with pearls—pearls that outpriced a kingdom! In a day I spent upon flowers enough to last me the rest of my life. You do not believe it? No? Look! Come here… [Pulling off a pair of old woollen mittens] Here are these hands that never worked. Do you see? They are the hands of a queen. Many have kissed them in their time—on their knees—and they thanked me for it. I am proud of them. And sometimes it is cold and I have nothing to wear, and sometimes I am hungry and have nothing to eat, but I never want for gloves. Look at them! Are they not the hands of a queen?

Pietro. It's true. She's right.

Unknown. Something had to be left her. You can still let them kiss your hands.

Majestá. You might have all the riches of kings, you might conquer the earth, you might raise yourselves upon thrones, yet your children would not have such hands.

Pietro. Slippery hands, to let so much slide through them.

Unknown. They might have kept something more than their whiteness. She wouldn't be where she is now if what she said was true.

Majestá. These hands never learned to save. Jewels ran through them like water through a fountain, and were scattered as they ran.

Unknown. You must have given away lots of money.

Pietro. And done much good.

Majestá. Good or evil, as it came. People came to me who were poor, people came to me who were bad—it was all