Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/129

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tasted champagne… God reward you for it. Another glass! It is a rare wine, and this is not bad champagne. I know, Cecco.

Pietro. You are not the only majesty who's here to-night.

Imperia and Zaida appear in the doorway.

Imperia. Is this the place?

Zaida. Yes, Signora. Are you afraid?

Imperia. Why should I be afraid? My home was like this. Come in.

Pietro. [Discovering Imperia] Another Queen! Ha! This is a night of queens.

Cecco. Silence!

Pietro. Is that the way you looked, Majestá?

Unknown. Do you know this Queen?

Majestá. Queen? Bah! No more than I was! No, I don't know her. The queens that I knew are all dead or have grown old.

Imperia. Where is the Prince? Don't attempt to deny it; I know he is here. I know who is with him.

Cecco. Was he expecting you? They said nothing…

Imperia. No, he was not expecting me. Wait… [She scribbles something with a pencil upon a piece of paper] Give him this and bring me back the answer. At once!

Cecco. It may… but… Won't you sit down?

Imperia. I'll wait here. Is there no other place?

Cecco. No. Only a hole there—up-stairs.

Imperia. Don't be long.

Cecco. It's all right; they won't hurt you. They're good fellows. Don't be afraid.

Imperia. I am not afraid.

Zaida. Signora! I ought not to have told you!

Imperia. Why not? Why should I be afraid? The