Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/135

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A room in Imperia's villa.

Imperia is discovered writing a note, which she hands to a Servant when finished. The voice of the Countess Rinaldi is heard outside.

Rinaldi. [Outside] She is always at home to me. Do not trouble…

Imperia rises and goes hurriedly to meet the Countess. who enters.

Imperia. Countess!

Rinaldi. Ah! You were not expecting me? The portiere and the servants did not wish to let me come in; they told me you were resting. But it was so very important that I had to see you; so I dispensed with formality. I am pardoned, I know. But you are not alone? On my way here I passed Prince Michael at the gate of the Princess's villa, no doubt intending to visit her.

Imperia. No doubt. Did you speak to him?

Rinaldi. No, he was driving; I was walking. I walk a great deal for my health, nowadays. We merely bowed, that was all. Well, what was the outcome of your rendezvous of last evening, the denouement of Saturday night?

Imperia. Saturday night?

Rinaldi. I fear you are not frank with me; you are keeping something back, much as I love you. It would be interesting to confide impressions, compare adventures, as it were. I have decided to make a change in my life; I am done with frivolity. Fortunately Heaven has put a man in my path