Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/138

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Imperia. I see that you have studied the subject. This is not an illusion, after all.

Rinaldi. On the contrary, in what other way could one get so much for a hundred thousand francs? That is the reason I hurried to see you. At the moment, I do not happen to have such a sum at my disposal—my balance at the Crédit is not above sixty or seventy thousand francs. But it is only a matter of a fortnight. Of course, any of my friends whom I had cared to approach… but I was anxious to afford you a striking proof of my affection.

Imperia. I should like to respond in the same spirit, but at present I am unable to give you an answer. I don't know whether or not I have so much money.

Rinaldi. You don't call that much money?

Imperia. I shall let you know this afternoon—later.

Rinaldi. Later? I am afraid this is coyness upon your part. Surely the Prince will not deny you; he never denies you anything. You see that I am speaking as a friend, and our friendship has cost me something. Not that it matters, of course…

Imperia. I shall send you my answer.

A Servant enters.

Servant. His Highness.

Prince Michael enters.

Prince Michael. Countess! [To Imperia] How are you this morning?

Imperia. Quite well. The Countess tells me that she passed you at the Princess's villa. Were you calling on her?

Prince Michael. Yes, I was to have taken luncheon. Haven't you heard?

Imperia. What?

Prince Michael. I will tell you later. I was unable to join you at the circus last evening. Another telegram from Suavia detained me with the Duke.