Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/140

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They telegraphed again directly after the announcement of his birth. The Emperor has summoned Prince Florencio and his mother to return to court; he wishes to become reconciled, perhaps to abdicate. He is not well; the country is on the brink of revolution. A despotic government is no longer possible in these days. Then, Florencio's health is conspiring against me. Once more near the throne!

Imperia. Very near! Prince Florencio, that is all. Have you seen him to-day?

Prince Michael. No, I was to have taken luncheon at their villa, but his mother was horribly disturbed. Florencio had not returned all night.

Imperia. Don't they know…?

Prince Michael. Nothing could have happened to him. A debauch! Morning surprised him in some tavern; it was impossible to return home in broad daylight. I have notified the Prefect.

Imperia. But you say his mother…

Prince Michael. This anxiety will kill her. She cannot endure it; it is one continual agitation. To-day she was more affected than usual. She woke suddenly at midnight; she thought she heard a cry——

Imperia. At midnight?

Prince Michael. Yes. Now to her mind it has taken the form of a presentiment, and I confess that I was myself affected by it, although of course nothing could have happened. The police are with him continually; it is out of the question. Besides, nobody has seen Harry Lucenti. However, the Signore will know.

Imperia. Have you any idea where he was?

Prince Michael. No, but they will have, and they will know who was with him. Otherwise… You don't think that anything could have happened to him?