Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/147

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Prince Michael. But what is this?

The Duke of Suavia enters.

Duke. Highness, the Princess has learned that her son is in this house; she insists upon seeing him. It is impossible to hold her back…

Prince Michael. No! Take her away! At once!

Duke. Yes, don't permit her… Don't allow her to know...

Prince Michael, the Signore, and the Duke of Suavia go out.

Leonardo. Do you think they will not tell?

Imperia. No, they are afraid. The truth frightens them. I know what his life was, don't you see?—his vices, his crimes, his intrigues. They will not tell—my silence for theirs. The Prince was not murdered; nobody is to blame for his death. It was an accident, a debauch. Don't you see? It is possible to destroy the facts, to triumph over them. Before love, they vanish like a dream.

Donina. [From an inner room] Let me go! Let me go! [Entering] Mother! Mother!…

Leonardo. Is this your child?

Imperia. Yes, my child. Why do you run out? You are trembling.

Donina. Help me! Hide me! I am afraid. I don't want to live, I don't want them to see me, to speak to me. I shan't answer. I shan't say a word!

Imperia. Leonardo, take her away—far away.

Leonardo. We should be seen; it is impossible to escape.

Donina. Let them kill me! I don't care. I saw him again! Oh, I saw him! And I shall see him always…

Imperia. You?

Donina. Yes, I woke up trembling all over. I wanted to