Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/154

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to go, but I tell him that I will have him taken to Suavia and accused of the murder of Prince Florencio. What does it matter if it is a lie? Donina has forgiven him, and she believes that he loves her as she was never loved before, and she is happy—dying happy in the belief. Without it, she would have died long ago, in an agony of grief and remorse. His treachery would have killed her.

Leonardo. Do you believe that Nunu will be able to deceive her much longer?

Imperia. It is not his virtue that I count upon, it is his interest. And I am here to attend to it.

Leonardo. The Countess Rinaldi has driven up to the gate.

Imperia. She has seen the Prince's yacht, and she is anxious to know whether I am going to Suavia. Tell her I am not at home; get rid of her in any way you can. That woman is odious.

Leonardo. Why odious? She is another shadow passing through life, indefatigable in the pursuit of her ideal.

Imperia goes out.

The Countess Rinaldi enters.

Rinaldi. Leonardo!

Leonardo. My dear Countess! Did they tell you Imperia was not at home?

Rinaldi. I didn't ask whether she was or not. There was nobody at the gate. However, I was certain to find some one, now that Imperia is living en famille. Of course I count you as one of the family.

Leonardo. Of the artistic family.

Rinaldi. It is the same thing. We all return to our starting-point sooner or later, unless we run on forever. But I advise you to be careful; Prince Michael has returned, too, in spite of everything.