Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/172

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but my son! Do you suppose he intends to marry very shortly?

Pepe. He has some such idea.

Carmen. God bless us!

Pepe. I have done what I could to discourage him, but he takes no interest. Some girls who are friends of mine entertain, don't you know, and everybody enjoys themselves there—girls from the country, who are not serious, because they haven't any idea of getting married; they have figured it out, don't you see, and can do better… Well, he won't look at them. He doesn't care for the theatre, either. The chorus at the Eslava is nothing to him.

Luisa enters.

Luisa. Oh, mamma!——

Carmen. What is it, my dear? Are you more comfortable?

Luisa. Yes… much… thank you.—Hello, Pepe!

Pepe. How is this, Luisita?

Luisa. I heard you talking… I wanted to be sure not to miss anything.

Pepe. I appreciate it.

Luisa. We don't see as much of you as we did.

Pepe. Julio is never home; besides, you are busy…

Luisa. Yes, and you are busy yourself. We know where.

Pepe. Oh, here and there!

Luisa. That is not what I mean; you are in love.

Carmen. Not a bit of it! Pepe has more sense than your brother Julio.

Luisa. No, Pepe aims higher. I don't need to mention names; her father made a fortune in Cuba.

Pepe. In the Philippines; but it makes no difference. The point is that he made it.

Carmen. Well, you amaze me. I certainly wish you luck.