Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/209

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effort to find other employment, to discover some solution, but here all my struggles are useless. Time flies. Emilia's mother, her entire family, are plotting against us, and you are doing the same here; because you love me, I do not question it, but it is unfortunate that it should have the appearance of selfishness at the same time. Meanwhile, life has become a constant torment to Emilia and to me. A situation such as this cannot continue; it is intolerable to us all. In the end it must be resolved by violent means, and it is better to end it now, once and forever. Absolute separation, a new life—there is no other way. A different life!

Luisa. A new life, a different life! Yes, that is easy for you, because you are young, you are in love. But what will become of your poor mothers? No, you have no right to think of it, if you ever did really think of it; Emilia has no right to consent, you cannot force her to choose between your love and her mother's. Yes, and you may be sorry if you do—I am a daughter myself, and I know how I feel.

Julio. You have never been in love.

Luisa. I never have. I don't know how a woman loves a man, I don't know how far she might be carried by her love; but I understand a mother's love. For that, it is enough to be a woman. I don't know whether you will be happy, alone, far away, with your great love, but I do know that your poor mothers will be broken-hearted. Julio, you cannot do it, it cannot be. Promise me that you will never think of it again. Give me your word, Julio, my dear brother!

Julio. You, too, have turned against me. Don't you torment me like all the others! [Goes out, left.

A pause. Manolo enters at the rear.

Manolo. Good morning, Luisita.

Luisa. Good morning, Manolo. How is the baby this morning?