Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/214

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forgot to call Julio.—Julio! Julio!… I leave you to tell him the news. He may feel that he ought to come.

Manolo. And me, too. I will be there; count upon me.

Adelaida. Thank you so much! You are friends of mine. Ah, me! I shall accept it as a widow, and wear mourning for the rest of my life. We have been acquainted ten years, and engaged now for seven. They have seemed all too short!

Manolo. Brief. Hurry, or he will be out of danger; it may prove a false alarm.

Adelaida. Oh, never! You will see. It is my duty to be reconciled, but he will die—he will die, I am certain! Hurry, Luisa! Come along.

Adelaida and Luisa go out.

Julio enters.

Julio. Hello, Manolo!

Manolo. Hello, Julio.

Julio. Was my sister with you?

Manolo. Yes, she went out with Adelaida. They are looking for your mother, and then they are going to call on Galán. Have you heard?

Julio. Not a word.

Manolo. Galán is ill, Galán is dying.

Julio. Are you serious?

Manolo. According to Adelaida. She has mourned him so often during the cycle of their amours, that I assume we are enjoying another feature of the programme. Although it must happen some time. These long engagements may lead up to marriage, but while they are about it, a widow or widower is on a honeymoon by comparison. What do you think? How are your plans coming on?

Julio. My plans? I don't know. Don Hilario has written to a friend in Buenos Aires, who settled there as a