Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/218

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instance, I intended to ask you a favor; now, I haven't the courage.

Julio. Nonsense, man! You have courage. You must——

Manolo. No, I am afraid. I know how you feel; no. But I have no one to whom I can go.

Julio. Oh, is that it? How much do you want?

Manolo. A trifle, just to help me over the next two or three days, until the end of the month. You have no idea… What with the money I borrowed last year, which I shall never repay, although it seems to me I have paid it seven times over, and the everlasting expense of running the house—why, we spend a fortune on the doctor alone, although we have gone in now for homœopathy, the medicines cost less, and we pay the doctor, too, on the same plan, in small doses…

Julio. I see. How much do you need?

Manolo. Man, I don't dare; I am afraid. I don't suppose you could spare twenty-five pesetas? Until the end of the month? As soon as I have my salary… you needn't bother to mention it. There will be no occasion to ask.

Julio. No, no, of course not. Except for what I pay, as my share, toward the family, I spend nothing—in fact, less now than before.

Manolo. Honestly, isn't it any sacrifice?

Julio. I should tell you if it was. Here you are. [He hands him five duros in silver.

Manolo. No, I'll only take three. I'll get along somehow.

Julio. Don't be an ass.

Manolo. Till the first of the month, eh? If you need the money before… But you do need it.

Julio. No, man, no. Why shouldn't I say so?

Manolo. You make me feel very uncomfortable. Thanks, my boy, thanks. You don't know the tight fix I am in.