Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/221

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Julio. The poor man has no chance——

Pepe. She appeared to favor me. Naturally, I said to myself, "This is mine," and from that moment I ceased to ingratiate myself with the other two.

Manolo. Your delicacy does you credit.

Pepe. We arranged interviews, we commenced a correspondence. Boys, I wish you could have seen those letters! As a talker I am only ordinary, but I am a whirlwind when I write. I hit upon some choice paragraphs. To make a long story short, the girl fell in love with me madly.

Manolo. And as soon as she was mad enough, she consented to marry you.

Pepe. Who told you she consented?

Manolo. Ah! Then she was not the one who consented?

Pepe. Never.

Manolo. Oh! That makes a difference. It was her sister?

Pepe. Neither.

Manolo. But I mean the other one. You said there were three?

Pepe. Not her either. What do you take me for? Give me credit. You don't know me.

Manolo. But you just said you were going to marry, you told us you were making love to the family; now, it appears you are marrying some one else. Whom are you going to marry?

Pepe. Does a man have to marry a woman because he happens to mention her name? Now don't you laugh! I am a thorough romantic, I am a man with a heart. Accursed heart, I say!

Manolo. If it affects you like this, your case must be serious.

Pepe. Wait, wait till you hear! What with all this cor-