Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/225

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Carmen. [Outside] Do come in.

Doña Carmen and Teresa enter.

Pepe. Señora!

Manolo. Aunt Carmen…

Teresa. Good morning, Julio.

Julio. Where is Emilia?

Teresa. She is not feeling well to-day. She stayed home with one of her cousins, who ran in to sit with her.

Manolo. [To Doña Carmen] How did you find Galán?

Carmen. When we arrived he was sitting up taking a thick broth, apparently having the time of his life. Of course, I made allowances for Adelaida's exaggeration.

Manolo. Then he will be good for another seven years.

Julio. I was just going to call.

Carmen. Yes, I think you should. You know how Adelaida appreciates these little attentions.

Julio. [Going] Doña Teresa…

Teresa. Good-by, Julio. Your mother promised to let me have the address of that seamstress she recommended so highly.

Julio. I asked no questions.

Pepe. [To Doña Carmen] My best regards to Luisita. Julio will explain how it is I have been too busy to call.

Manolo. Good-by, aunt.

Julio. I'll be back directly, mamma. [Aside to Manolo, as they go out] This visit means something.

Manolo. A conspiracy of mothers-in-law. You have reason to be suspicious.

Julio, Manolo, and Pepe go out at the rear, right.

Teresa. I am sorry that Julio saw me. I came when I did because I supposed he would be out. Now, he will suspect something.