Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/233

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Hilario. Julio is right. This cannot be.

Carmen. No, on the contrary, I am crying now because I am happy. I have never been so happy before in my life!

Julio. Yes, evidently. Sit down, mamma—and you, too. I have brought Don Hilario because the time has come to talk sensibly, without tears or recriminations, because my decision is irrevocable. I am going to marry Emilia, and we shall sail for America, to Buenos Aires. No other solution is possible for us all.

Luisa. My poor brother!

Carmen. Very well, my son, if you really feel that it means your happiness. I suppose you think that your mother is the only obstacle?

Julio. Don't say that. I won't listen to you.

Carmen. No, I am calm, as you see. I hope you will be as calm as I am when you know what I know.

Julio. What do you know?

Carmen. Have you made your arrangements for the voyage? Are you sure the position is a good one, that there will be opportunity for advancement?

Julio. Tell them, Don Hilario. They will not believe me.

Hilario. Yes, Doña Carmen. Julio has consulted me, and I have approved his plan in its entirety. I offered to write to Buenos Aires, to a friend, a responsible, intelligent gentleman, who has replied to my recommendation of your son in a manner which is most gratifying.

Julio. Here is the letter. Read it, read it. He offers me a position that is well paid, in which I shall have initiative, and at the beginning I shall receive more than I do now. I shall not be embarrassed by the pretense of living like a gentleman, I shall have the satisfaction of being employed at something useful, which is of real service, and not be discouraged, as I am here, eternally issuing orders in our depart-