Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/235

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Carmen. You say if her love is true.

Julio. It is.

Carmen. Don't you know that Doña Teresa was here? Do you know what she came to tell me?

Julio. The old story. If you talked, you agreed that we were mad. It is folly, a crime for two young people who are in love, to marry without money. Then, you spoke of the high cost of living, you trotted out your pet phrase: "Everything is in the clouds."

Carmen. I said nothing; it was Doña Teresa, it is Emilia. Nothing in the world will induce her—and you may as well understand it plainly—nothing will induce her to consent to be separated from her daughter.

Julio. But Emilia…

Carmen. Emilia feels the same, and they thought that it would be better that you should hear it from me. If you don't believe me, ask them—ask them both. I am not sure either but that when they find out that this position which has been offered is a good one, they won't change their minds, but I am afraid not—do you hear? I am afraid not. I am so anxious to see you happy that I would do nothing to hold you back, not with my tears, nor by telling you that you are an ingrate to allow your poor mother to sacrifice herself for you all her life, only to see herself abandoned now in her old age without remorse, yes, without one single regret!

Julio. Mother!

Hilario. Doña Carmen!

Julio. Do you hear? I cannot endure any more, I cannot bear it. I will not hear myself called an ungrateful son. You are my mother, I owe everything to you, everything. My life is yours, and I have proved it all my life long, because I have never been anything to you but your son, eternally your son, your son. You would never permit me to be a man.