Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/238

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her, alone, at her age in the world. She never stopped to remember that you have a mother yourself, just as I have.

Carmen. You are a kind and dutiful daughter.

Julio. Emilia… But leave us, yes, leave us. We must talk, we must talk—alone.

Emilia. Why? There is nothing they may not hear.

Julio. No, this concerns us alone. It is no time to stand upon formality. We are not two young lovers, nor children; to hesitate is ridiculous. A man and woman at this moment are deciding their future, and it will be forever. I am not willing that any one should interfere. We must speak bravely, freely. Don Hilario, take my mother. Luisita, leave us… Go, mother, I am calm; Emilia, you have nothing to fear.

All but Julio and Emilia go out.

Julio. Did you think that my plan was not serious? Do you believe that it is right to continue as we are?

Emilia. I don't know. We have talked of so many things, we have planned and we have dreamed! But I never believed that any of it could really be.

Julio. Read this letter.

Emilia. But you are so earnest! Did you mean it, really?

Julio. Read it, read it.

Emilia. It is for Don Hilario… No, Julio, no!

Julio. You see that I have considered it seriously. It is our future.

Emilia. No, Julio, no; you frighten me. It is a dangerous experiment, far away. Not leave our poor mothers? No, tell me you don't really mean it, you are only doing it to test my love.

Julio. Perhaps I am doing it so as not to test it, not to condemn you to this miserable existence, every hour of which would prove its own test, with but very few either of illusion