Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/241

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Emilia. What am I to choose? Not to go away; no, I cannot do it, I am afraid. Be sensible, Julio! You know I am right. We will wait as long as you please, I shall wait for you forever, and then—whatever you think best. We are young yet. If you feel you ought to go, why don't you go alone?—and, then, come back. If it is really so wonderful there, it might be different. Don't you see? Have confidence in me. I shall wait for you always.

Julio. Yes, I will go, alone—alone! You are right. Now, I have made up my mind to go. But don't you wait for me!

Emilia. Julio!

Julio. No, don't you wait! I have heard what I never expected to hear.

Emilia. I knew it; you are the one who forgets, you turn me away.

Julio. Yes, I do, with my cowardice, my vacillation, determined at last to have a will of my own! Leave me, Emilia, leave me.

Emilia. God help us! God help us! Oh!…

Julio. Go back to your mother and be a daughter again—be always a daughter, a good daughter! I am a bad man, bad—and you know it!

Emilia. You don't know what you are doing; you are not yourself. Oh, I can't bear it! I can't have them see me like this. I am going… But promise that you will come to see me. You will come, won't you, Julio? I shall wait, I shall wait for you always—all the rest of my life! [Emilia goes out in tears.

Doña Carmen and Luisa re-enter with Don Hilario at another door.

Carmen. My poor boy!

Luisa. My dear brother!