Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/246

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Luisa. But you understand French?

Servant. I do, señorita—enough to talk with the French when travelling, but the young gentlemen speak such excellent French that I cannot understand them. I don't exaggerate. I hear the young gentleman behind the door now. The bell rang, and he has heard my voice, so naturally, announcing no one…

Luisa. And he has heard my voice, too, a woman's voice, which must be extraordinary in this apartment. Come in! Come right in! It is I.

Pepe enters.

Pepe. You? Luisita! [To the Servant] Why didn't you announce this young lady at once?

Luisa. He was as thoroughly shocked as yourself.

Pepe. To tell the truth——

Servant. Anything else, sir?

Pepe. Not at present. Ask my friends into the other room… Don't shut that door!

The Servant goes out.

Pepe. Well, Luisita? Are you alone? Have you permission to come?

Luisa. Why permission? Papa and mamma would be terribly shocked. Imagine what people would think if they knew that I was here with you, alone, a bachelor, in your apartment. Bachelor apartments have such dreadful reputations; all respectable families are convinced they are scandalous. It was bold of me, wasn't it? Now tell me the truth!

Pepe. Bold of you? You know it.

Luisa. That depends.

Pepe. I hope you have a good reason for coming.

Luisa. Let me explore a little first. I think your room is decidedly chic. I am awfully anxious to see the pictures. Ah!… You have taste; you don't exhibit pictures of girls