Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/56

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Tony. What a sweet voice!

Ogre. Do you think so? Really?

Tony. [Aside] I had better flatter him.


"Life is but joy."

Tony. [Aside] I think it has gone to his head. If he should get drunk, and I could escape… [Aloud] I should say you were in a jolly humor. At first I didn't think so…

Ogre. Before eating I am always ill-natured.

Tony. Drink! Drink!

Ogre. And you, too.

Tony. [Aside] Ah! I think I'll be under the table first…


"With eating and drinking.
Life is but joy!
Hear the glasses clinking;
Bring the pie, boy!
  Cut! Cut!
  Munch! Munch!
Bring the pie, boy!"

Tony. Jolly song, isn't it?

"Life is but joy…"

Ogre. It seems to me that you are the one who is jolly. That's the way I like you.

Tony. [Aside] He likes me with wine.

"Bring the pie, boy!…"

Ogre. Come! Come! Tell me something funny, fool.

Tony. Is this any time to be funny? I had much rather