Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/61

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Tutor. Be careful!

Tony. He will eat us all up.

Tutor. I tell you that these modern ogres are not like those in the stories.

Prince. You need not tell me. I will not hear you. I will not listen! This is where my adventure shall end. Here is my goal! Stand back!… Protect me, my good fairy! [The Prince runs out, his sword drawn.

Old Woman. Hold him back! The Wretch will kill him!

Tutor. What do you mean by not protecting your master?

Tony. What do you mean?

Tutor. This impresses me all very much like a dream.

Old Woman. Listen! Run quickly! They are killing him!

The Prince re-enters, running, but without his sword, followed by the Ogre with a club and the Beauty with a broom.

Prince. Ah! They have vanquished me!

Ogre. Rogue! Traitor! You have attacked me in my own house!

Beauty. He tried to kill my husband. Out!… Villains!

Old Woman. Stop!

Tutor. He is my master.

Tony. Remember he is the Prince…

Ogre. I shall kill him!

Old Woman. Can't you see that the poor boy is mad? Have pity!

Prince. My good fairy, my sword broke. It was witchcraft. They have beaten me with clubs.

Tony. And with brooms!

Beauty. Well, the snip has been taught a lesson.