Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/63

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A terrace before the Palace of King Chuchurumbo. The Three Daughters of King Chuchurumbo, with their Three Little Pages.

Third Daughter. Oh! But aren't you weary, sisters? What are you thinking about?

Eldest Daughter. I am amusing myself looking at the sky.

Second Daughter. I was listening to the rumbling of the sea.

Third Daughter. I was looking down the road to see if anybody was coming to amuse us. I am bored to death. What shall we do to pass the evening?

Eldest Daughter. Sing.

Second Daughter. Say verses.

Third Daughter. But that is so silly.

Eldest Daughter. On these summer nights it is too hot to work with a light.

Second Daughter. Besides, the King, our father, says a light is too expensive.

Eldest Daughter. Otherwise, I should read.

Second Daughter. And I should sew; but we have no more light than the moon.

Eldest Daughter. Let us join hands in a ring, then, and sing. Come, sisters.

Third Daughter. How perfectly silly! That is child's play.

Eldest Daughter. But it is so pretty! There isn't any game that is prettier than singing all together and holding