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no doubt it is. Here is her hand. You bear away the most precious jewel in my crown.

Second Daughter. [Aside] He is not so bad-looking. Some day he will be a great king.

Chuchurumbo. I shall assemble my ministers at once to approve your betrothal. To-morrow the rejoicings will begin with a sumptuous reception.

Prince. Do you call that rejoicing? Nothing could be a more terrible bore!

Chuchurumbo. To us. But it will be great fun for the courtiers.

The Old Woman, the Tutor, and Tony enter.

Chuchurumbo. Who are these people?

Prince. Your Majesty, they are my train.

Chuchurumbo. Strange escort for a Prince!

Tony. You ran away from the inn. We have been at our wits' end to find you.

Prince. I spied the palace of my Princess, and alone I set out upon the way. I knew that my good fairy would not linger far behind. Princess, here is the good fairy who has led me to your side. Salute my wife, my Princess.

Old Woman. What! Are you married?

Tony. I never heard of such a rapid wedding!

Prince. Princes, when they marry, are of a rapid disposition.

Old Woman. Oh, my poor young man! But are you acquainted with your bride?

Prince. I have known her all my life. She is the youngest daughter of a king, and the youngest daughter of a king is always beautiful and virtuous. You know that, my good fairy. So you see that all my troubles are ended. Speak! What is it that you ask now, in order to reveal yourself in your true likeness?