Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/70

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Second Daughter. Where did you let them fall? Come with me, and I will help you look.

Old Woman. How does it seem to you?

Prince. My Princess is not the one who has the kindest heart.

Old Woman. Wait! The Prince has brought three gifts for the Princesses—a jewel, a book, and a flower. He does not know which gift to offer to which. Choose each of you for herself.

Third Daughter. I choose the jewel.

Eldest Daughter. I choose the book.

Second Daughter. I choose the flower.

Old Woman. She who chose the jewel was thinking of appearing well before others. She who chose the book was thinking of appearing well to herself. She who chose the flower was thinking of helping her sisters to appear well, for she was thinking of others and not of herself. What do you say now?

Prince. That she is my Princess, and you are the good fairy who has taught me how to live.

Old Woman. A poor old woman, and no fairy.

Third Daughter. And are you going to stand there like a post and listen while he insults me? You ought to declare war on the King, his father.

Chuchurumbo. No! Not a fourth beating, no! I am delighted that your sister should be the chosen one. [To the Prince] You carry away the most precious jewel in my crown.

Third Daughter. I shall tear out his eyes.

Chuchurumbo. Silence, rubbish! [To the Prince] I had not intended to say anything, but tales are tales.

Tutor. Fairy stories, lies! Place no reliance except upon science.