Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/76

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A hall in a sumptuous villa.

The Princess Etelvina, Lady Seymour, the Countess Rinaldi, Edith, Leonardo, Prince Michael, Prince Florencio, Lord Seymour, Harry Lucenti, and the Duke of Suavia are seated about the room. Edith plays upon a lute, while Lady Seymour and Leonardo listen to the music. Princess Etelvina, Prince Michael, Lord Seymour, and the Duke of Suavia take tea. Prince Florencio, the Countess Rinaldi, and Harry Lucenti examine a number of etchings and engravings, engaging meanwhile in animated conversation. Several Servants are in attendance, one of whom hands a telegram to Prince Michael.

Etelvina. News from Suavia?

Prince Michael. Extraordinary news. [To the Princess] You should be the first to announce it. Read...

Duke. Is it serious? [Imposing silence] The music, ladies——

Etelvina. I am delighted. Listen, my son. His Imperial Majesty was presented this morning with a prince and heir.

Prince Michael. Long live the Prince!

All. Long live the Prince!

Duke. Viva Suavia!

All. Viva Suavia!

Prince Florencio. [As he takes the telegram] At last! A prince after seven princesses! The weight of the empire