Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/81

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Prince Michael. I beg your pardon. I thought I saw you talking with him at the Casino last evening.

Lady Seymour. Oh, many times ! But not before my husband.

Prince Michael. But I have often seen your husband talking with him.

Lady Seymour. Frequently. But never before me.

Prince Michael. English propriety is more complicated than I had imagined.

Lady Seymour. It is respectability.

Rinaldi. [To Leonardo] I am in no humor for trifling this evening. Frankly, I am bored. You have no idea how bored I am.

Leonardo. But you are dying to tell me.

Rinaldi. Artists are such dangerous confidants. Afterward, they reveal all one's secrets to the public.

Leonardo. I am a sculptor. What secrets have you that my art could reveal to the public ? By the way, you would make an admirable Juno.

Rinaldi. You told me Minerva yesterday.

Leonardo. It may be Venus to-morrow; everything in its season.

Rinaldi. You might have worse models.

Leonardo. I defer to your authority.

Rinaldi. I warn you that I am wearing no stays; this is support à la grècque.

Leonardo. Now you are encroaching upon my domain. Only spiritual confidences, if you please.

Rinaldi. Why do you suppose that I am here this evening?

Leonardo. How should I know? Probably because you were invited to dinner by Prince Michael, like the rest of us, to celebrate the arrival of his sister, the Princess Alex-