Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/88

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Lady Seymour. Apparently everybody delights the Princess. Good evening, your Highness. Did you receive the invitation to my concert?

Prince Michael. A concert such as could be arranged only by an artist of your taste.

Lord and Lady Seymour go out, escorted by the Prince.

Rinaldi. You noticed that she did not invite me? However, it makes no matter. I don't need her invitation.

Leonardo. You will go without it, of course.

Rinaldi. Depend upon me.

Harry Lucenti. Never permit yourself such a liberty with an Englishwoman; the risk is too great.

Rinaldi. I shall present myself upon the arm of one of her grooms.

Harry Lucenti. I should advise you not to meddle in foreign affairs.

Rinaldi. Ah! Do you defend your hypocritical society after having become the victim of it?

Harry Lucenti. I do not complain; I do as I like, and others do the same. I scandalize England, but the world is before me.

Rinaldi. You scandalize the world.

Harry Lucenti. The world is too dull to be so easily scandalized. Fancy, if one were obliged to please everybody!—Do you please everybody?

Leonardo. The Countess does, and no complaints.

Rinaldi. I am excessively careful about what people think of me.

Leonardo. As everybody knows.

Rinaldi. Without joking.

Leonardo. Seriously. Of course everybody knows. But I say, if you were not careful!

Harry Lucenti. Prince Florencio will be waiting.