Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/91

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They were imitation. She valued them at three million francs. The anonymous articles she wrote herself, so that she could truthfully say they were slander.

Prince Michael. Very clever of her.

Signore. An extreme measure.

Rinaldi. [To Leonardo] The Signore bows with a mysterious air, as if he were doing one the favor to keep a secret.

Leonardo. I hardly think he would go so far. I hear he is about to publish his memoirs.

Rinaldi. Gracious! I shall have to buy up the edition. Will you see me home?

Leonardo. As far as you like.

Rinaldi. You do not wish to wait for Imperia?

Leonardo. Not in the least. I shall retire with you.

Rinaldi. Highness, I was delighted to receive your invitation.

Prince Michael. Are you leaving so soon? Imperia may be here at any moment. Now we are only the intimates, the inner circle.

Rinaldi. I have decided that it is best not to be too intimate. I had supposed that there was only a garden between your villa and that of Imperia—a garden with a gate; but I realize now that you have erected an impenetrable wall.

Prince Michael. Don't be vindictive! It isn't my fault. Princess Etelvina admits but few to her acquaintance.

Rinaldi. And she is very wise to do so. Hereafter, I shall imitate her example. Good evening, Highness.

Harry Lucenti. Highness, good evening.

Prince Michael. Sinister poet! Dark courier of infernos like Virgil! Be mindful of Prince Florencio; his health is precarious.

Harry Lucenti. I shall endeavor to be as mindful of