Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/94

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about what is not my business. However, your Highness need have no concern. Pardon this intrusion…

Prince Michael. You are pardoned, you may be sure.

The Signore goes out.

During the conclusion of the scene, Imperia has been slowly descending the staircase of the hall.

Prince Michael. Imperia! How are you? I have not seen you all day. I have not had one spare moment.

Imperia. I also have had guests.

Prince Michael. So I see.

Imperia. No, you must not judge by this. I do not dress for others; I dress for myself. I like to see myself in beautiful clothes. Your friends did not care to wait for me?

Prince Michael. They all had something for the evening. The Countess is terribly put out; I did not find it convenient to invite her.

Imperia. And so she invited herself? She was right. In a company which included Lady Seymour and Harry Lucenti, the Countess could scarcely have been out of place. Such hypocrisy is odious.

Prince Michael. In the first place, with regard to Lady Seymour, people say, they don't know. As far as the poet is concerned, he is the Prince's friend, and an artist.

Imperia. In her line, the Countess is also an artist.

Prince Michael. She is a fool. Now I hear that she is in love with an acrobat. Not only does she frequent the circus every evening, but she actually goes behind the scenes and mingles with the performers.

Imperia. Yes, I have seen her there myself.

Prince Michael. You? You at the circus!

Imperia. Yes, the last four nights, without missing one.

Prince Michael. But you said nothing about it.

Imperia. You didn't ask.