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synopsis of contents.

Means of Prevention, Legal and Educational.

History of British legislation on cruelty to animals—Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals—Jubilee Meeting, 1874—Queen Victoria’s letter—Operations and influence of the Society—Statutes for protection of animals from cruelty—Examples of cases prosecuted and convicted—Legislation should include cruelty to wild as well as domesticated animals—Public opinion and the press—Influence of literature and art—Cowper's poetry—Hogarth's "Four Stages of Cruelty"—Education of the young—Study of natural history—Prize essays—Baroness Burdett Coutts and the Ladies' Committee—Class-books and school training—The "Animal World," and other useful publications

Vivisection, and other Experiments on Living Animals.

Prize essays of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals—Report of Committee of British Association for the Advancement of Science—Classes of experimental physiology in schools of medicine—Demonstrations of ascertained facts needless and cruel—Use of chloroform and other anaesthetics—Professor Schiff, of Florence—Introduction to England of vivisection as practised in French schools—Prosecution of Norwich vivisectors—Cruelties in London schools of physiology—Dr. Johnson on experiments on live animals—Testimony of teachers of physiology to the needless cruelty of such experiments—Examples of cruel operations—Examination of alleged results of vicisection—Fallacies of this mode of research—Testimony of Sir Charles Bell, Dr. Barclay, Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Elliotons, Dr. Carpenter, M. Legallois, Baron Cuvier, and others—Proposed methods of checking needless cruelties—Proposals of Dr. Bardsley, Professor Haughton, Sir Thomas Watson, and others—Proposal for special legislation—Appeal to the medical profession.